We have gotten several calls from local optical shops for our glasses. The Guiana Space Center gave out free ones, but they went fast and the only solar glasses left in town appear to be ours. We have cornered the market and expect to retire to Tahiti soon...
We got up very early (5:30 AM) to drive back to Kourou to see where the Sun comes up. We have been told that there is a consistent marine layer and thus the beach may not be the best place. However, there are a lot trees to the east of the Press Center. Decisions, decisions, decisions.
It looks like the beach would be the best place to be, however the network was down this morning so we could not measure the (morning) bandwidth at the hotel. The locals (mostly soldiers stationed here) and guests of the hotel make heavy use of the network connection during the day and we where hoping that the bandwidth would be better early in the morning (we measured it in the afternoon before).
We drove back to Cayenne as we must change hotels/towns today. We move to a hotel in Kourou for the rest of our stay.
Since we had some time to kill, we decided to check out the city and a local beach where sea turtles lay their eggs.